Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bullying: "Is it fragile yougsters or a new culture of mean"as said by Radio Personality 95.5 Washington D.C.

8th grade is when I vividly remember a youg lady creeping slowly like a lion getting ready to pounce on its pray that is oblivious to the damage about to be caused. She took the gum from her mouth and stuck it in my beautiful hair. The questions I immediatedly asked myself, Why doesn't she like me? Am I weird? Or is she just plain jealous of me? These questions that plagued my mind all day, I went home and asked my loving parents to help me answer, instead of deeply internalizing, falling into depression, or further falling victim to the torment of bullying. They gave me ammunition to deal with the next day by communicating with me, explaining the importance of knowing who I am, and more importantly not ignoring my concern.

The foundation that young men and women have at home, will undoubtedly shape how they will face the world outside. The level of concern that parents have for their children plays a detrimental role to. No excuses, all adolescents do not cope well with teasing and taunting, obeserve your children, be more than involved, become immersed into your childrens lives. Secondly reassure them, of how beautiful or handsome they are, how intelligent they are, how special and how unique they are. EMPOWER THEM!!!How shameful it is for children, adolescents, and teenagers to walk around internally struggling, when those that love them, can emancipate them.

Is it really enough to believe that your child is strong? No. Parents should continually help strengthen their childs self-esteem. It is a dual blessing when the community, teachers, employers will do the same for your child, but essentially it starts with the parents or guardians.This is not to cast a snare on parents, it is to serve as a wake up call, that parents have a responsibility to their children to be the wind beneath their wings. Eventually as they become adults they will have to learn to cope and deal with stress and come into self love, however parents serve as a major compass on their journey through life. The eradication of bullying is possible everyday on the micro-level, help your child and other children around you and your child,Will you?

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