Tuesday, February 22, 2011


By Kyra O. Davenport 

Its gotten to the point where I feel guilty every time I pull into a McDonald's restaurant or drive thru. I sit in my car and tell myself to turn around and go to Subway or Panera  Bread, but then happens I look at the menu and remember how appetizing those famous Mickey D's fries are and how that Big Mac is so succulent with every bite, and who can forget that sugar so sweet, Iced tea. Why so much debate might you ask? Well of course its unhealthy, and it can cause so many health issues and fast, as we witnessed in the shocking, yet informative documentary "Supersize me", besides this I am a black woman and their is a silent killer that creeps up slowly on to Black women and Latina women more so than Caucasian women....heart disease.

When I was a fresh college grad and I received my first job working for the government, entry level, secure, and respectable salary, I didn't miss a meal, in fact I ate McDonald's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!!!!! Was I out of my mind? Certainly not, but I was definitely walking on dangerous territory, well this all came to a screeching halt when I decided to get my cholesterol checked at my local CVS. The results were in and the doctor approached me with an odd look on her face as she asked me " Ms. Davenport how is your diet, what have you been eating?" I was stunned. When I returned home that evening and told my parents this disheartening news, they were furious, I warned you about your eating habits, you have to stop now! young people are not as invincible as they think they are!, says my father. He is absolutely right its habits like this that can lead to heart disease and an early grave, a tragedy.  The next day I exercised, cooked breakfast, and packed a lunch, I was afraid for this to get out of control, my cholesterol levels are normal today, I took action, I know my life is worth preserving as is yours.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0004449 explains: "Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. CHD is also called coronary artery disease." Here are a few ways to reduce risks  heart disease include getting rest, eating healthy, exercise, and do not stress!!! pray, find hobbies, indulge in your hobbies, talk to your family and friends about your problems, find solutions, do not stew and brew, it is very unhealthy and takes away from the quality of our lives.Not only will I challenge you to take control, but have the desire to take control, it is idolatry that can ultimately lead to destruction in our lives, take charge now!!!

QUICK FACT: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/heartdiseases.html#cat1 says, but heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. It is also a major cause of disability. There are many different forms of heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease is narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart itself. This is called coronary artery disease and happens slowly over time. It's the major reason people have heart attacks.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sicke Cell Anemia: Howard University Triumphs.

                                                            By Kyra O. Davenport

According to Medine Plus, a website devoted to current health information, directly  assocaited with National Institute of Health says, "Sickle Cell Anemia is a disease in which your body produces ahbnormally shaped red blood cells. A genetic problem causes Sickle Cell Anemia. About 1in 12 African Americans has Sickle Cell trait. A blood test can show if you have the trait or the anemia." This disease is not discussed or publicized in the black community as much as disease such as Cancer and HIV/AIDS. It seems to be inadvertently swept under the rug, tucked away, silenced.Howard University Althletics Department was determined to put and end to that silence forever more.

Chondria Andrews, two time Howard University Alumna,B.A/M.A, and now a current employee of Howard University says, '"Our initial game plan was to contact the American Red Cross so that we could conduct our first a blood drive for Dc Residents and Howard University Students to serve two purposes, one to bring awareness, and two, their is a shortage of African American blood donors in the DC area as it relates to Sickle Cell Anemia, we wanted to make a contribution. After patiently waiting for a response we finally recieved word that they would sponsor us, well a fews days later we were taken aback when they informed us they would have to denied our requests because Howard students had shown low participation in blood donation."When is a lack of student participation a reason to give up on educating them abnd providing free testing? There is no such reason, you advertise and advocate stronger, you find a solution, and that is exactly what Ms. Andrews  and the other Athletics Department staff members did.

On February 16th after working tirelessly and effortlessly it was time to conduct The First Annual Howard University Sickle Cell Anemia blood drive hosted by the Howard University Athletics Department, Inova Blood Donor Services, and 30 other volunteer organizations had agreed at the 11th hour to participate/sponsor the blood drive. "We surpassed our original goal and we had a other services available at our event such as the National bone marrow registry and sickle cell testing." Nearly 100 students gave blood, we were so excited!says Andrews. African Americans deserve a chance to be involved, aware, and educated on diseases that directly affect our community, let alone all health diseases and issues in this country, it is appalling that the American Red Cross would give up so easily on the students. Leaders like Ms. Chondria Andrews who had the determination and tenacity to help black students gravitate toward health education and awareness could help the American Red Cross think twice about not sponsoring blood drives at historically black colleges or any college for that matter.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bullying: "Is it fragile yougsters or a new culture of mean"as said by Radio Personality 95.5 Washington D.C.

8th grade is when I vividly remember a youg lady creeping slowly like a lion getting ready to pounce on its pray that is oblivious to the damage about to be caused. She took the gum from her mouth and stuck it in my beautiful hair. The questions I immediatedly asked myself, Why doesn't she like me? Am I weird? Or is she just plain jealous of me? These questions that plagued my mind all day, I went home and asked my loving parents to help me answer, instead of deeply internalizing, falling into depression, or further falling victim to the torment of bullying. They gave me ammunition to deal with the next day by communicating with me, explaining the importance of knowing who I am, and more importantly not ignoring my concern.

The foundation that young men and women have at home, will undoubtedly shape how they will face the world outside. The level of concern that parents have for their children plays a detrimental role to. No excuses, all adolescents do not cope well with teasing and taunting, obeserve your children, be more than involved, become immersed into your childrens lives. Secondly reassure them, of how beautiful or handsome they are, how intelligent they are, how special and how unique they are. EMPOWER THEM!!!How shameful it is for children, adolescents, and teenagers to walk around internally struggling, when those that love them, can emancipate them.

Is it really enough to believe that your child is strong? No. Parents should continually help strengthen their childs self-esteem. It is a dual blessing when the community, teachers, employers will do the same for your child, but essentially it starts with the parents or guardians.This is not to cast a snare on parents, it is to serve as a wake up call, that parents have a responsibility to their children to be the wind beneath their wings. Eventually as they become adults they will have to learn to cope and deal with stress and come into self love, however parents serve as a major compass on their journey through life. The eradication of bullying is possible everyday on the micro-level, help your child and other children around you and your child,Will you?