Monday, September 19, 2011


When you tell someone your getting ready to take a trip, they naturally usually as where are you going? How long will you be gone? And tell you to be safe. If you are traveling by plane, they sometimes ask, “Are you afraid of flying?” I honestly reply, No. Flying is spiritual to me. As I take my seat on the plane I free myself of inhibition, let my thoughts run wild! I think about life, GOD, my future, sex, the past, my future, and sometimes I don’t think at all I’m just plain sleepy . When I board the plane no need for attitudes or lack of smiles after all these could be the last people you see embrace them talk to them enjoy the momentJAs the plane takes off I feel invigorated, no need for fear, I am only closer to heaven, I can peer out at GODs sky and his world at least for a few hours. As the plane fly through the sky I think to myself how precious life is what I could have done better so much that I take a deep breath and exhale. Flying gets deep! I also ponder on how life can only get sweeter and better if I chase my DREAMS. I also thank GOD for all he has allowed me to indulge in. So the next time someone asks me “Are you afraid to fly?” I will take it a step further and tell them I am afraid not to FLY.